Our mission is supporting our students’ physical, emotional, and mental health as they live, learn, and believe.
We are located at 407 Hollyhock Lane.
Mailing Address:
400 E. College Street, Georgetown, KY 40324
Health Services: 502-863-8201
Counseling Center: 502-863-8062
For appointments, please email counseling@georgetowncollege.edu
Follow us on Instagram @gcstudentwellness
One of our office's annual events is the Healthy Minds 5K. The course goes right through GC’s campus so make sure you bring your running shoes!
Chill Out
Join us during Weeks of Welcome (WOW) for our Chill Out event. Come get some Kona Ice while meeting the Counseling and Health Center staff
Spring Break
The Counseling and Health Center hosts a Spring Break Fair each March to prepare students for Spring Break. Learn how to have fun and be safe while sitting on the beach!